Push Hands

Push Hands is the first step for students learning the martial aspects of Tai Chi. On a basic level, it involves two people moving together with their arms in contact.
The exercises consist of sticking, twining actions, designed to develop sensitivity, balance, and awareness of yours and your opponent's body. It helps develop a sense of how small forces can overcome stronger forces.
In Chen Tai Chi, push hands can be practised on a number of levels to help develop martial abilities. The exercises can be practised hard and fast, or soft and slow.
Through regular practise the exercises can be performed faster and with relaxed strength. The emphasis is to unbalance, lock, or throw your partner.
Push Hands, due to its nature, is hard to teach online, and this is the one unit we think won't work without having hands-on correction. This unit is designed more as an introduction and to help when practising with training partners or friends.